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Zilker Park
in Beautiful Austin, Texas

A pretty scene at Zilker Park in Austin. Zilker park is a beautiful retreat in a city that is already beautiful. Here is view of part of the park. The larger picture of the same scene is at the bottom of the page. Zilker is huge with all kinds of different areas. In the summer there are free concerts on the hill. There is a little train and a fun Pretty water lillies in Zilker park in Austin. playground for children (of all ages, I had a great time on the equipment too!)

  This picture was taken by a little pond full of Water lilies. Zilker has thousands of flowers. 

In fact, Zilker park is much in demand for outdoor weddings. There is a huge rose garden with lots of different varieties of roses, all colors, lots of scents. I can almost smell them now just thinking about it. When my mother Red flowers in Zilker Park. came to visit she carefullyMore flowers in Zilker park. sampled dozens of the roses fragrances.

 There are lots of different places in Zilker park. Places to walk, to sit, to think, to smell the flowers. Some areas seem perfect for a place to run. Its huge and has lots of variety.

Cute little bridge over the water lillies. All of these pictures were taken by my husband and this one is my favorite. I hope you can see it as clearly on your computer as it looks on ours. This is the same area with the Water lilies. You can't see it but there are stepping stones in part of the pond to walk from one side to the other.

 I didn't even get around to telling you about the nature center or the classes for children and adults held at the park. It's a great place, that much I did say!
I was in a home schooling group that met in a building there every week.

A Zilker Park Activity Kite Festival

Zilker Park Information From Austin360.com Parks Guide

Various pages about Austin, Texas

Pictures of Beautiful Austin, Texas, areas of the city.
Here you can see pictures of beautiful Austin, Texas.
Zilker park, in Austin, Texas.
Pictures of the park known in Austin for its rose garden and other beautiful flowers, as well as a place where year round activities can be found.
Pictures of Friendship Place Apartments.
Here you can see pictures of where I worked and lived in Austin.
Pictures of Unity Church in Austin
Here you can see pics of Unity Church, inside and outside and some of the people.
Pictures of My Friends in the Singles Group.
Here you can see pics of my friends in the Unity Church Singles group.
Anna in a Fashion Show in Austin.
Anna and other models in a non profit fashion show called "Fools for Fashion in Austin, Texas."
Pictures of Wildwood Apartments.
Pictures of Wildwood Apartments, where I lived and worked, some of the people and one of the pools.

Various Places I Have Visited

 Philly, Boston & 
Atlantic City


New Mexico &


Ohio Parks

More Atlantic City

My Old Series
About Austin 

 Las Cruces Home inside & outside

Places where
we stayed

Parks in the Autumn

More Boston

More Austin Pics

Organ Mountains

Beaches, Sunsets

Old Man's Cave

More Philly

Misc. Texas Pics

More Mexico Pics

On the way there

Ohio Festivals

All about me (list of pages)

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I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are some more personal pages...

These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.

Overview-Beginning My father's ancestors My mother's ancestors
My father My mother My siblings, as children
My father's parents My mother's parents My siblings, as adults
My childhood home My children, Index My husband
My pets   Places I have lived Favorite places I've visited
My favorite music Jobs I've had My gardens through the years

If you want to go to other pages in this series you can click on any of these.  Most of these were made quickly, just to show my "artistry" (or lack of) in photography. Some are just fun pictures to look at. Below this series are many of my better pages, with both photos and stories about the people, places or things they are taken of.

Go To Other pages of pictures I have taken or that I like a lot.

Index of all pages about  me
Random pictures of me
Pictures taken more recently
Pictures taken even more recently
Sitting at my good old computer
Pictures of sunsets I've taken
Pictures of pretty trees I've taken
More trees
Pictures of mountains I've taken
Pictures of interesting buildings I've taken
Desert pictures
Pictures with water I've taken
Other Nature Pictures
Pictures outside of Raleigh I've taken
More Pictures outside of Raleigh
Pictures of interesting people I've taken
Cute pictures of my kids
More cute pics of my kids
Events pictures
Home Schooling Hosts & Their Families

Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!

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This page was created on December 19, 1997,
and last revised March 16
, 2002.

(C) Copyright 2002 Maggie Rose. All Rights Reserved