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Pictures from when we lived outside of Raleigh, North Carolina, on a Truck farm.
In 1985 we moved to Raleigh, NC. I was pregnant with our third child and at first we stayed with a family in town.
Then we moved out here, to a Truck farm, where our landlord grew several small plots of different vegetables. He also had some cattle.
The roof was covered with tin and the trees standing
nearby were pecan trees and the nuts would fall off at random and make a loud
noise on the roof. It was only two bedrooms so the older two kids shared one and
we kept the baby with us in our room. We moved there from Ohio and had only a
few pans, dishes, clothes and toys but no TV, radio or other conveniences.
It would get really hot sometimes since it was August when we moved from town to
this place, 65 miles from Raleigh. The only thing we could do was to take
a cool bath.
On the front porch there was a swing that you can barely see on
the right side of the porch. The view from that swing
is what you see on the picture on the right. Even though we didn't
even have a telephone or a fan, a TV or radio, I enjoyed the quiet, peaceful
days with just my children and nature. My then husband left for work early each
morning around 6 AM and got home about 12 or 13 hours later.
Many an hour was spent on the porch swing, reading to my children, watching them play, or nursing my baby. We were home schooling too.
Looking out from the porch you could see the woods and cabin
that the landlord used when he came to work in his fields. The cabin had enough
room for him and his sons and wife to stay on the freezing nights occasionally
threatening his strawberry crop. They stayed up most of the nights tending to
the plants, irrigating them with
water from his pond, which was warmer than the freezing air. He also used
the front screened in porch to sell his produce.
We eventually ended up moving into that cabin for a couple of
months because he sold the little home we were staying in. Another interesting
thing about the little house was that to get to it you had to drive through a
corn field. Then you had to pass a little cemetery which was close to the house.
It felt like the house was haunted too, and I am not saying that because of the
cemetery. I grew up across the street from a large cemetery and never felt
anything like I felt there. This place had something sinister that didn't
want us there. We were glad to go down the hill to move into our
landlord's cabin.
Before we go to there, here is what our backyard looked like. It was a nice pond that my kids liked to play near. Usually just after noon you would see a neighbor woman (to call people neighbors doesn't really describe it, we were in the middle of this farm and the nearest people were pretty far away) with a fishing pole and she sat and sat all day until she caught their supper.
Choose whatever may interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came from)
I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are some more personal pages...
These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.
If you want to go to other pages in this series you can click on any of these. Most of these were made quickly, just to show my "artistry" (or lack of) in photography. Some are just fun pictures to look at. Below this series are many of my better pages, with both photos and stories about the people, places or things they are taken of.
Here are all the pages with
pictures &
stories of other stays with home schoolers.
When we home schooled and had to travel across the country, we were hosted by other home schooling families. Here are pictures and the stories of the different families, on our different trips. These were all great people who opened their homes to us. It was much more fun and educational than staying in motels. Thank you to all of you!
1 Vacation/Informational Trip: Ohio to Roanoke, Virginia, in 1985 | 7 Moved: From Ohio to Austin, Texas in August of 1994. |
2 YES!Seminar: Ohio to The Farm in Tennessee, in the Spring of 1993. | 8 Visitation Trip: Austin to Ohio in January of 1995. |
3 Pictures of The Farm itself. | 9 Custody Trial: Austin to Ohio, July of 1995. |
4 NCACS Conference: Ohio to Virginia then Raleigh, North Carolina, Spring of 1994. | 10 R & R after trial: (Rest and Relaxation): Ohio to California, August of 1995. |
5 North Carolina Camp Out: North Carolina, just after visiting Raleigh. | 11 Back to our home:in Austin (with the girls) September of 1995. |
6 Home Schoolers near Ashville: Going home after the Camp Out-Get Together. | 12 Our Ohio Home Schooling Group: Pictures of our support group consisting of only 4 families.. |
Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!
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