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My Father
After a while my dad left the family farm and worked for an oil company. He worked his way up to managing the bulk plant.
(The bulk plant is where the underground lines of oil come in from from around the country. It is stored in huge silo like things.)
During World War II, my father was the only brother left at home. His health kept him from going but he had to work the farm just the same. One of his sisters helped quite a bit, doing very strenuous physical labor.
My dad, pictured on the left, wearing his service station uniform, looking like
the old Texaco man from television commercials.
My father mostly worked at farm work until he got a job selling cars. Then he went to work for one of his brothers who owned a gas station. After a while he switched to a major gas
company where he was promoted to a management job. He did that most of his life.
The picture on the right was from an advertisement for oil. My dad's the
man on the right. The
larger view shows it a lot better.
is my dad at that same first gas company job. He is inside the store. If you
click on the picture you will see a whole lot more.
So my dad met my mom, got married, had 6 wonderful kids, (well at least one) ha ha, and lived happily ever after. If you want to see some pages with lots of other pictures of him
with us kids go to My Father
Here are the pages about my dad, one made a couple years before I made this one.
Choose whatever may interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came from)
These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.
Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!
I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are some more personal pages...
These were made quickly and are more just to show cute pictures or places or people with little text.
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