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My Mom's Ancestors
My Maternal Great Grandparents
and Great Great
have scanned many photos of my mom and dad and their parents
and my parent's siblings, and
even some of my great grandparents. My mother was born
in 1917, so that should give you an idea of how old some of these
pictures are. Her mother married at age 17.
My mother's maternal great grandmother, Anna Benedict Glassford.
< My mother's great grandparents, in other words,
my great great grandparents.
One of Great great grandma Anna Benedict Glassford's children, my grandmother's mother, Frances Lorena Benedict Baker.>
Below are pictures of her with my great grandfather.
All these pictures come from my grandmother's photo album. She and her
family before her, seemed to love taking pictures. A lot of these are from
really long ago. I wish I had pictures from my father's side that go back
this far.
< Middle aged Elderly >
I wish my grandmother was still alive today so I could thank her for all the work she did in organizing all these pictures in her album. Even though she wrote right on top of the pictures, that still helped me to understand them. She also left behind several diaries, but my cousin has them or I would attempt to make a page with excerpts from it. June 2019 Update: My cousin sent them to me and I have been transcribing them from her diaries onto the computer. Thank you Alice.
Now, my mother's paternal great grandparents.
The man was my mother's paternal great grandfather
.   These are the parents of my grandfather's
father, on the left, in other words his grandparents.
G G Grandpa Edwin Norton.
That's his wife Eleanora and Della is standing behind. Della is
sort of a relative, but not exactly. She was adopted, more to be a
servant, than to be a daughter.
the right is my grandfather's father, with his mother, or in other
my grandfather's grandmother.
have a huge picture of my grandfather as a little boy, around 4, standing with
his grandfather, Edwin, the man in the picture on the left.This is the same
man as the man in the picture above. First I have the picture of him. Then
I have a small version of the
home which includes my grandfather as a little boy. On the right is a
small version of it, but you may enjoy the whole view.
You may have noticed I don't have first names of a lot of my ancestors, but that's because I lost the notes with the information on it. I will see if I can find it.
My Grandfather |
My Grandmother |
Both Together |
With Their Kids |
As a Child | As a Child | When they were young | When all were younger |
Young Adult | Young Adult | Middle Aged Together | When all were older |
Older | Older | Vacations they took | Vacations they took |
His Fishing Trips | Her Homes | With Others | With Grandkids |
My mother very young. | As an older child. | Mom as a young adult |
Mom with my dad | Mom with us kids. | Mom getting older. |
Choose whatever may interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came from)
These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.
Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!
I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are some more personal pages...
These were made quickly and are more just to show cute pictures or places or people with little text.
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