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This is my hubby, Chris. We met when we were both living in Austin, Texas. In fact, I made a web page out of the story of how we met.
From Chris' childhood and his various jobs he's had in his life, he has many interests and areas of knowledge, too many to go into here. So I will just show you some of the places we went to together. Since this is his page, I am not in the photos, in fact, I am taking the pictures.
These next 3 pictures were taken in Corpus Christi, Texas.
He knew about
this great place to stay, right on the gulf.
Even though the weekend
we went there it was chilly we had a great time.
Doesn't he look happy and have a great smile?
On the left is a view from the hotel we stayed in.
I don't know if its real clear but the crazy seagulls would fly
right up to our patio for us to feed them. The first time he
went out to demonstrate it for my girls and me, I was scared.
It was like from the Alfred Hitchcock movie, "Birds" where they
all flock around you, only these birds never attacked.
This hotel room included a kitchenette, and had a separate bedroom
for Chris & me and bunk beds tucked into a hall for the girls.
There even was a couch that could sleep two more if we wanted to.
It was a really nice place.
Here he is standing by a replica of the Santa Maria. This was also in
Corpus Christi, a great place to visit, but watch out over
Spring break because the college kids flock here worse than the
birds in the picture up above!
Okay, who knows what else Corpus Christi is famous for?
Selena the talented singer who was murdered. We went to the
cemetary where she is buried. My daughter Anna was a fan of hers
before she got shot. There is an interesting story about what
happened at the cemetary when we were there so why don't you go
to that page and read about it?
Selena page
I had only known Chris for a short while but went with him when
he went to Las Cruces, New Mexico, for his father's death.
I had a feeling that he and I were going to get married in the
future and wanted to be with him for this sad event.
You know how you always hear that when one spouse dies, that
frequently the other goes shortly afterwards? Even though
his parents had been divorced since he was around
13, his mom died
about a month after his dad.
had many health problems.
We moved to Las Cruces as a
family back in the spring of
1996. My girls and I went through culture shock when we got there.
We were used to green living things outside, not dust and sand
various kinds of cactus plants. LC is about 30 miles from the
border of Mexico.
We had
moved there primarily
for him to start up his own business as
a Private Investigator.
Since I am trying to be polite on my web pages, I won't go into
how his sizable inheritance from his father was stolen from him
and his siblings but he had counted on that money to get us through
the first few years. When at first we thought it was just being
delayed he picked up a second job as a security officer for a local
company. He was assigned to a nightclub that frequently had fights.
His very first night there was a riot there. I was listening
on our scanner and was hoping that I
was misunderstanding what was
being broadcast about the
fighting there.
It was a serious fight,
with a couple enemy gangs involved.
Since Chris and the other
security officer were carrying guns, as required, the gang members
tried to knock them down and take their guns away. I won't go into
all the details, but his partner had to go to the hospital and
the local police arrested several guys, one of which Chris had
barely been able to handcuff. He was a huge guy and who's friends
were trying to help him escape. The next day he learned that
fighting started up again at the hospital's emergency room.
Choose whatever may
interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came
from) I'll include my list of all my
"regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of
hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are
some more personal pages... These are somewhat better
looking pages, with more information too. If you want to go to other
pages in this series you can click on any of these. Most of these were
made quickly, just to show my "artistry" (or lack of) in photography.
Some are just fun pictures to look at. Below this series are many of my better
pages, with both photos and stories about the people, places or things they are
taken of.
He had been working for someone else for
years in Austin and was ready to strike out on his own. Since he had an
inheritance coming from both of his parents he decided that he
would go for it.
We won a free stay at an expensive hotel at a state park near Toledo. Chris and I went there without the kids for once and had some time alone. Its right next to Lake Eric and there are a lot of swampy areas. The park has pathways on a series of boards, raised up over the swamp. We had nice weather considering it was April, and spent one afternoon walking the wooden trail. Inside there was a nice swimming pool and also two hot tubs bubbling away.
Near Lake Erie, left, Outside our room and, right, On the boardwalk.
On the lighter side, here is Chris with our dog, Binkie, when she
was still an itty bitty puppy. Notice how tender he is with her.
He had a
trained dog when he was a regular police officer.
I will have
pictures of his police dog on another page.
Dogs Page
Other pages of Chris...
Here's a Complete List of all the Pages in my "About
Me" Series
All about me (list of pages)
Go To Other pages of pictures
I have taken or that I like a lot.
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This page was created before May 10, 1999,
and last revised March 3, 2002.