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My Father's Parents
Here is my grandma and grandpa (on my dad's side) on their wedding day.
My grandparents got married with her brother and his sister as
If you click here you will see the whole picture.
Here's a picture of them, (on the right) many years after that wedding day. They are sitting with all their adult children, except one who was a nun and couldn't be there. If you click on the picture you can see them all.
My grandma used to have an old comfortable stuffed chair in her kitchen. You could sit in it and talk to her while she cooked up a skillet of greasy french fries for you. (She lived one block away from my Catholic grade school, so if any of her many grandchildren forgot lunch money or just didn't want to eat the school lunch that day, we'd go to her house and she always had a potato waiting for us. I loved it!) She could tell you stories too! Like all the "planting by the signs of the moons" beliefs or how her mother caught her doing a
"horrible" thing. She had wet her hair and braided it to make it have some waves for a school dance.
(You know, when you take it down after its dried it has waves and curls) When her mother caught her she admonished her with "if God wanted you to have curly hair you would have been born with it!" She quickly wetted it down as ordered to be allowed to go. Grandma scoffed at the idea that a man could walk on the moon. She was convinced that it was all fake.
I don't think they had actually walked on it yet, but were preparing for it at
the time she died at age 84.
grandparents lived a hard life especially during the depression. They not
only worked extremely hard but had two children die young. Still, my
grandfather found time to play his fiddle and was well known and in demand as a
square dance caller. My grandmother was also musically inclined. She
also was a talented seamstress, making her own clothes and those of her
children. She never wasted anything, even if areas were worn out, she figured
out how to cut the material and make something completely new for a younger
Here are the pages about my dad, one made a couple years before I made this one.
Choose whatever may interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came from)
These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.
Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!
I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are some more personal pages...
These were made quickly and are more just to show cute pictures or places or people with little text.
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