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So, I told you a little already about my father's home and childhood on my personal page but to continue with some more, here is a brief history of my father's childhood continued...
I will start with his schooling.
My dad went to school in the 20's and 30's. I found a picture taken of a classroom in his yearbook but I don't see him in it.
It doesn't matter, you don't know him anyway, but it gives you an idea of what it looked like to be in a classroom in 1933 or so. I especially like the guy on the right, his hair is um, interesting.
If you click on the picture you can see a few more kids too. There is one guy on the far left who isn't pretending to be studying, he's just sitting there
looking annoyed.
Dad was a good student in school and of course had to walk a million miles to get there, just like you always hear, the stories parents tell their children and grandchildren. Actually, most of his school years it was less than 2 miles, but during his high school years it was about 3 or more. Actually, I would have hated it especially in the winter.
Dad became the president of the Student Council his senior year and was on the yearbook staff.
on left) That's my father, standing in the back row, in the middle sort of bending down a little. (If you click on the picture of the student counsel meeting you will also get a larger picture.) He was always proud he graduated. His older brothers didn't and that was normal in those days. In his year book he is remembered for being so funny. He also was in choir, something I never knew about him until when I went thru his yearbook recently.
(Glee Club pictured on right, dad is in the middle front row)
The picture on the left is my dad's high school junior picture taken from his yearbook.
My dad was proud of having finished high school in an era when
most kids quit much
The picture on the right is his high school senior picture at age 18.
Many years later my sister did her student teaching at that same country school he went to.
Many more years later, my own children ended up going there after several years of home schooling.
My dad was around 18 when he developed appendicitis. His mother instructed him in all the ways to get rid of the pain, including the wonderful, sure fire method of crawling down the stairs backwards. Luckily they got him to the hospital before it burst.
Here are the pages about my dad, one made a couple years before I made this one.
Choose whatever may interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came from)
These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.
Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!
I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are some more personal pages...
These were made quickly and are more just to show cute pictures or places or people with little text.
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