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Home Schooling Hosts
In 1984 we drove to Roanoke,
At this time, I was
still married to my kids' dad and he and I
were planning on moving to the South east the next year. We decided to
make a trip that way and see what area we liked best. We had planned on going to
Roanoke and then on to North Carolina, but stayed so long with the hosting
family in Virginia that we never made it any further. This family was planning
on joining with other families and making an intentional community in the
Roanoke area, even taking us along to see some property they were considering.
The dad, Ed, was a midwife and also worked
for a company in a large city commuting about once a month to the office. The
rest of the time he worked for and communicated with his job via his computer.
In those days that was very unusual.
Here's the same picture with the family close up. They had 3 boys and I think if I remember right she had another boy shortly after this picture and then a few years later had a little girl.
had a cute little house nestled in the trees almost to the top of their
mountain. Here is a partial view with them on the right. I wish I had
taken a picture of their bathroom.
They had the largest bathtub I had ever seen. It was a family sized tub.
Here is a view of their home from
a ledge above. It was an area where their kids loved to play and where they took
my son to play one day. Eric had never played with rough and tumble boys before
and yet they seemed to realize that and went easy on him.
Just a short drive away, down the mountain was another home schooling family that were their friends. I liked them too immediately. In fact the mom and I seemed to have an instant bond. Not to sound strange to most people reading this, but she told me, and I had no reason to doubt her, that she believed we were close friends in a past life. Since I believe in Reincarnation, I felt it was a possibility and I too felt instantly comfortable with her, like sisters or best friends.
apologize for the picture being taken off center. I don't remember if I
took it or my ex did, but whoever did, cut off part of one of their children.
The dad was an architect. This picture doesn't do justice to their home design.
In this picture you can see it somewhat better. I have scanned so many of pictures but in the beginning didn't save them very large. So the picture you get if you click on this to see a larger view isn't much larger.
I don't know what happened to either family. I hope they formed their community and are all living happily ever after. I suppose their kids must be in their 20's and mid to late teens by now. Speaking of kids, here is a picture I have to throw in of my daughter, Anna, attempting to play with their cat. She is 20 now, but was 3 in this picture.
Here are all the pages with
pictures &
stories of other stays with home schoolers.
When we home schooled and had to travel across the country, we were hosted by other home schooling families. Here are pictures and the stories of the different families, on our different trips. These were all great people who opened their homes to us. It was much more fun and educational than staying in motels. Thank you to all of you!
1 Vacation/Informational Trip: Ohio to Roanoke, Virginia, in 1985 | 7 Moved: From Ohio to Austin, Texas in August of 1994. |
2 YES!Seminar: Ohio to The Farm in Tennessee, in the Spring of 1993. | 8 Visitation Trip: Austin to Ohio in January of 1995. |
3 Pictures of The Farm itself. | 9 Custody Trial: Austin to Ohio, July of 1995. |
4 NCACS Conference: Ohio to Virginia then Raleigh, North Carolina, Spring of 1994. | 10 R & R after trial: (Rest and Relaxation): Ohio to California, August of 1995. |
5 North Carolina Camp Out: North Carolina, just after visiting Raleigh. | 11 Back to our home:in Austin (with the girls) September of 1995. |
6 Home Schoolers near Ashville: Going home after the Camp Out-Get Together. | 12 Our Ohio Home Schooling Group: Pictures of our support group consisting of only 4 families.. |
Choose whatever may interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came from)
I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are some more personal pages...
These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.
If you want to go to other pages in this series you can click on any of these. Most of these were made quickly, just to show my "artistry" (or lack of) in photography. Some are just fun pictures to look at. Below this series are many of my better pages, with both photos and stories about the people, places or things they are taken of.
Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!
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