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I had been home schooling my kids ever since my oldest was old enough, actually
since he was born. We didn't have strict schedules like some
home schooling families. So when I had a chance to take them on a trip out of state I considered it all
part of their learning. This
trip was taken in the
Spring of 1994.
My 17 year old son, Eric, wanted to go to a NCACS meeting (National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools) of which he was a board member. It was to be held in Roanoke, Virginia, and he asked me to drive him.
I decided it might be fun, so I got prepared for the trip. One of the first things I did was to write to home schooling families who were listed in a home schooling newsletter I subscribed to. There's a place in the back for families to list themselves if they would like to host other home schoolers visiting their area. So after writing to about 5 families, 3 were willing to host my girls and I who were going beyond Roanoke to Raleigh. I had decided to show my younger daughter the city she was born in, Raleigh.
When my kids and I went to
Raleigh we were invited to go to a state home schoolers get together at this
beautiful park about an hour's drive away. Here are some photos of the
parents and kids that I took while visiting them.
This was a scenic lake where the kids would flock to swim and play in. Some of the moms and dads
got in the water too, including me.
The water was warm even though it was Spring, and the people were friendly and
accepting of us strangers.
(Right) My daughter, Anna, is in the middle between her new
friends, walking back. You can see part of the outdoor auditorium
at the left in this picture too. There was a talent show there.
are the families gathered for the talent show. It was a fun evening and no one
was a loser, everyone who participated were winners. My son
arrived at the camp a day after the girls and I got there and he decided to
participate in the talent show. He did some magic tricks, right.
was such a wonderful experience, no matter how talented the child was, they were
supported and encouraged. I guess it sums up the homeschooling experience in
general. At least my type of homeschooling. There are other ways and beliefs,
but that was not what I was drawn to and the people I contacted were like
Every family brought along food to share and also contributed to a fund
that paid for other meals. We took turns preparing it and cleaning up.
Some of the kids serving themselves.
An overall view of the dining hall with the families.
was a friendship and caring among not just the parents but the kids, just like
all the other home schooling groups I have been around. There was a caring for
younger siblings, a lack of concern about being seen with younger children,
related or not, and I didn't see the kids competing with name brand clothes or
trying to be one-up I found the parents easy to talk to and especially enjoyed
talking with several of the moms who were also midwives. There was always a
gathering of moms, dads, or moms and dads having great conversations.
Here's some of the mom's talking near the main cabin,
the cabin where we ate,
and the cabin where we sat on the porch at night
and sang all the songs we ever knew with much gusto.
Most of us stayed in cabins, a few camped in
There are lots of pictures of our
home schooling friends. I am working
on making them
anyone else. I only saw cooperation and playing children with parents who
take the responsibility of rearing their children seriously but not too
soon. We had so many good experiences with all the
different families we met. I never met any that I didn't feel totally
comfortable with.
The kids seem friendlier and get along with adults
better than schooled children in general. I know that sounds like a
generalization, but it has always been true in my experience. Of
course it could be I saw things that way because I was expecting
them to be like that. But I have heard and read other people that
see (or expect) the same thing. Its one of the benefits of having kids
in the real world more than the artificial schooled arrangement where
their world consists of peers and the teacher. I have seen older kids
holding their parent's hands, and not being embarrassed. I have also
seen them showing responsibility for younger siblings more than in the
general population. I am only telling you what I have seen.
Here are all the pages with
pictures &
stories of other stays with home schoolers.
When we home schooled and had to travel across the country, we were hosted by other home schooling families. Here are pictures and the stories of the different families, on our different trips. These were all great people who opened their homes to us. It was much more fun and educational than staying in motels. Thank you to all of you!
1 Vacation/Informational Trip: Ohio to Roanoke, Virginia, in 1985 | 7 Moved: From Ohio to Austin, Texas in August of 1994. |
2 YES!Seminar: Ohio to The Farm in Tennessee, in the Spring of 1993. | 8 Visitation Trip: Austin to Ohio in January of 1995. |
3 Pictures of The Farm itself. | 9 Custody Trial: Austin to Ohio, July of 1995. |
4 NCACS Conference: Ohio to Virginia then Raleigh, North Carolina, Spring of 1994. | 10 R & R after trial: (Rest and Relaxation): Ohio to California, August of 1995. |
5 North Carolina Camp Out: North Carolina, just after visiting Raleigh. | 11 Back to our home:in Austin (with the girls) September of 1995. |
6 Home Schoolers near Ashville: Going home after the Camp Out-Get Together. | 12 Our Ohio Home Schooling Group: Pictures of our support group consisting of only 4 families.. |
Choose whatever may interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came from)
I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are some more personal pages...
These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.
If you want to go to other pages in this series you can click on any of these. Most of these were made quickly, just to show my "artistry" (or lack of) in photography. Some are just fun pictures to look at. Below this series are many of my better pages, with both photos and stories about the people, places or things they are taken of.
Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!
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