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Home Schooling Hosts
NCACS in Virginia, on to Raleigh.
Some of the wonderful home schooling families that hosted my kids and I.
son, Eric was a student member of the NCACS (National Coalition of Alternative
Community Schools and needed a ride to Virginia for the yearly conference.
Since we had all lived in Raleigh before, I decided to drive him and then go on
to Raleigh and show my daughter the home and the people where we lived when she
was born. The picture on the right was taken in June of 1985, a month
before Serena was born. The family that hosted us (from our church, not
home schoolers, this time) and two of their 3 children along with my Eric and
Anna are shown around the joint birthday party. Four of the kids had
birthdays within the month. This was another great family that hosted us for
over two months until after Serena was born and we had found a little place to
rent outside of Raleigh. So this is the house and family I wanted Serena, who
was almost 7 to meet, the reason why I was so willing to drive my son to his
I will soon have another page with pictures and stories from the days spent there, in Raleigh and the little place we rented about 60 miles out of town.
So in the Fall of 1993 my two daughters and son headed south from N.W. Ohio, first to the Roanoke, Virginia, area, leaving Eric there and then on to Raleigh.
The first family the girls and I had arranged to stay with,
pictured on the left, had a last minute emergency and couldn't host us at that
time. But if I remember right, they contacted the second family and arranged
with them to
host us at first.
This family took us to a downtown concert in Raleigh and to the opening of a new museum. We are sitting in front of it here. Serena took the picture and if you look closely you will find Anna hiding in the back of the picture.
A really funny thing was we found out was that these
interesting and fun people had moved to Raleigh from Boston, where my brother
lives and it turned out they were all friends. Small world. They knew my
brother from his
playing in a band, not from home schooling.
This family invited the kids to go out to their place and ride their horse and pony. Here's my girls, with Serena on the pony and Anna standing towards the rear of it, and the hosting family's little girl standing in front of Serena.
So the first place we stayed in Raleigh was with another one of the three families that wanted us to stay with them. The parents both teach European dance. They had four kids and all of them were nice kids.
Here they are with my Serena on the far left. This was a
screened in patio and it was perfect weather to have supper out there.
They had frogs singing in their backyard all evening long. It was
beautiful. And their yard was full of interesting things, such as this hammock.
On the left is one of their daughter's with my Serena.
That's my two daughters on the right, trying to avoid spilling out of it. .
is the third family, all together in the woods they lived in outside of Raleigh.
We stayed there a couple of nights and their two older kids became good friends
Anna's. They were members of a home schooling group that was getting ready
to have a huge get together at a North Carolina park and invited us to join
them. The other family we stayed with were also members. I have
another page that includes pictures of that place. It was gorgeous and
relaxing and had so many interesting home schooling families to meet.
Here are all the pages with
pictures &
stories of other stays with home schoolers.
When we home schooled and had to travel across the country, we were hosted by other home schooling families. Here are pictures and the stories of the different families, on our different trips. These were all great people who opened their homes to us. It was much more fun and educational than staying in motels. Thank you to all of you!
1 Vacation/Informational Trip: Ohio to Roanoke, Virginia, in 1985 | 7 Moved: From Ohio to Austin, Texas in August of 1994. |
2 YES!Seminar: Ohio to The Farm in Tennessee, in the Spring of 1993. | 8 Visitation Trip: Austin to Ohio in January of 1995. |
3 Pictures of The Farm itself. | 9 Custody Trial: Austin to Ohio, July of 1995. |
4 NCACS Conference: Ohio to Virginia then Raleigh, North Carolina, Spring of 1994. | 10 R & R after trial: (Rest and Relaxation): Ohio to California, August of 1995. |
5 North Carolina Camp Out: North Carolina, just after visiting Raleigh. | 11 Back to our home:in Austin (with the girls) September of 1995. |
6 Home Schoolers near Ashville: Going home after the Camp Out-Get Together. | 12 Our Ohio Home Schooling Group: Pictures of our support group consisting of only 4 families.. |
Choose whatever may interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came from)
I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are some more personal pages...
These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.
If you want to go to other pages in this series you can click on any of these. Most of these were made quickly, just to show my "artistry" (or lack of) in photography. Some are just fun pictures to look at. Below this series are many of my better pages, with both photos and stories about the people, places or things they are taken of.
Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!
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