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Anna and the
"Fools for Fashion" Show
Anna in a line up of the models.

Anna smiling for me downstairs before the show began.

  My daughter, Anna, was in a non profit fashion show to benefit local AIDS victims in Austin. The costumes had to be made out of unusual fabrics or collections of things. It was held on April 1, 1995, hence the name given to it.

On the left, she is waiting for her turn to go upstairs and go on stage.  On the right, she was in a line up, walking through the area before it started.

Since this was a benefit for charity most of the people were not professional models although some had experienceAnna posing on the run way during the fashion show. with it. Anna had never done anything like this, the closest to it was performing in the yearly  recital when she was in tap, jazz and gymnastic dance a few years earlier.

When Anna walked onto the runway there was a roar of cheers. I assumed it was because she was the youngest and they were trying to make her feel wanted. When she got up to the end of the runway she gave a quick pose and then left.

Some of the models downstairs waiting to go on stage.I don't know why I only have this small picture of her. I am going to rescan it and also add some of the other interesting costumes.  A guy with green skin and shorts made with baby bottle nipples.

Here are some of the people waiting to go on stage, waiting downstairs in the dressing area.

Most of the costumes were made to be silly but a few were bizarre. There was a man whose skin was colored green and the bottom part of his costume had baby bottle nipples glued to it.

Anna's outfit was made out of the plastic bags you get from a grocery store. It  was made with hundreds of them tied together for the skirt and one for her to wear on the top, like a shirt.A young man with an outfit made of paper towels.

Anna's outfit, made with grocery bags.That's her on the left, downstairs before the show began. Like most of my pictures you can click on it for a larger view.

On the far right is a daring young man who was wearing shorts made out of paper towels. Part of his outfit was his chest wrapped in them also, which he unwound and took off.

Of course every fashion show has to have a bridal outfit. This bride was a male. You can see his picture to the right, under the picture of the guy in paper towels. The bride of the fashion show was a man.

All the Pages of Anna

Photos of Anna as a baby.
Pictures of Anna from one week up to under a year.
Photos of Anna as a Toddler.
Pictures of Anna around one year to around two years.
More Photos of Anna as a Toddler.
More pictures of Anna around one year to around two years.
Photos of Anna as a Preschooler.
Pictures of Anna from around two years to about six years old.
Photos of Anna as a Child.
Pictures of Anna's middle childhood years, up to about 13.
Anna in a Fashion Show in Austin.
Anna and other models in a non profit fashion show called "Fools for Fashion in Austin, Texas."
Anna when we lived in Austin.
Pictures of Anna when we lived in Austin.
Anna as a Teenager.
Anna from around 15 to the present.

Various pages about Austin, Texas

Pictures of Beautiful Austin, Texas, areas of the city.
Here you can see pictures of beautiful Austin, Texas.
Zilker park, in Austin, Texas.
Pictures of the park known in Austin for its rose garden and other beautiful flowers, as well as a place where year round activities can be found.
Pictures of Friendship Place Apartments.
Here you can see pictures of where I worked and lived in Austin.
Pictures of Unity Church in Austin
Here you can see pics of Unity Church, inside and outside and some of the people.
Pictures of My Friends in the Singles Group.
Here you can see pics of my friends in the Unity Church Singles group.
Anna in a Fashion Show in Austin.
Anna and other models in a non profit fashion show called "Fools for Fashion in Austin, Texas."
Pictures of Wildwood Apartments.
Pictures of Wildwood Apartments, where I lived and worked, some of the people and one of the pools.

Various Places I Have Visited

 Philly, Boston & 
Atlantic City


New Mexico &


Ohio Parks

More Atlantic City

My Old Series
About Austin 

 Las Cruces Home inside & outside

Places where
we stayed

Parks in the Autumn

More Boston

More Austin Pics

Organ Mountains

Beaches, Sunsets

Old Man's Cave

More Philly

Misc. Texas Pics

More Mexico Pics

On the way there

Ohio Festivals

All about me (list of pages)

Choose whatever may interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came from)

I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so
if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else.
But for now, here are some more personal pages...

These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.

Overview-Beginning My father's ancestors My mother's ancestors
My father My mother My siblings, as children
My father's parents My mother's parents My siblings, as adults
My childhood home My children, Index My husband
My pets (or go below) Places I have lived Favorite places I've visited
My favorite music Jobs I've had My gardens through the years

If you want to go to other pages in this series you can click on any of these.  Most of these were made quickly, just to show my "artistry" (or lack of) in photography. Some are just fun pictures to look at. Below this series are many of my better pages, with both photos and stories about the people, places or things they are taken of.

Go To Other pages of pictures I have taken or that I like a lot.

Index of all pages about  me
Random pictures of me
Pictures taken more recently
Pictures taken even more recently
Sitting at my good old computer
Pictures of sunsets I've taken
Pictures of pretty trees I've taken
More trees
Pictures of mountains I've taken
Pictures of interesting buildings I've taken
Desert pictures
Pictures with water I've taken
Other Nature Pictures
Pictures outside of Raleigh I've taken
More Pictures outside of Raleigh
Pictures of interesting people I've taken
Cute pictures of my kids
More cute pics of my kids
Events pictures
Home Schooling Hosts & Their Families

Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!

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This page was created on December 19, 1997,
and last revised March 17, 2002.

(C) Copyright 2002 Maggie Rose. All Rights Reserved