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Austin Unity Church
A Great Singles Group

Our Singles group at one of outdoor meetings. I'm facing you, the second from the left. We had a fantastic bunch of people in this group. It felt like family, except in a way, better, because we didn’t grow up with each other and instead we chose to hang out together.

 First of all, the grounds were beautiful and a safe and comfortable place for my girls to walk around while we held our bi-monthly organizational meetings.

Sometimes my kids would walk around and sometimes they would join our group and listen and even gave suggestions.

 Everyone in the group treated my kids nicely, like uncles and aunts. In fact, I was amazed sometimes how some of the people in the group could be so nice to them. I would look at these single men and women and wonder how they learned to relate so well to my kids.

You can see some of the trees and green green grass where we held our meetings. It almost always was pleasant weather, rarely raining, but if it did we either went into one of the buildings on the grounds or went to someone's house. I talk more about the church in general and all the great people and fantastic minister on My Unity Church Page

Busy at work planning our events, another picture at the picnic table/Singles business meeting. We had meetings every other Sunday, right after church services. There was a person who led the group and a secretary/assistant. After I was there a few months the assistant had to leave and the job fell in my lap. By that time the guy who ran the meetings, Greg, and I were dating anyway and so it worked out very well. Between us we knew the pulse of the group and what needed to be done. He would do a lot of preparing for each meeting and one of the other guys, Kurt, (on right corner of table) did an events calendar monthly.

  Somehow, since I had a job managing apartments and basically stayed home much of the time to be "on duty" I got the job of being the phone contact person. That was fun, it meant anyone who was interested in joining the group and had any questions would have my phone number to call. I gladly told them of our activities and invited them to come to our meetings or recreational activities. I learned how to answer all kinds of questions.

We had one major activity a month and several smaller ones too.

We always met on the first Friday of the month and we would have a pot luck supper. Those included great food and a lot of friendship and caring for each other. New people would come along and we all tried to make them feel welcome, because they were. Sometimes after the potluck we would go on to somewhere else, but usually we stayed at the home of whoever was hosting and would talk or play games or sports.

Port Aransas Trip

Some of the guys on our Port Aransas week-end trip. A few times a year we would have a major trip, like this trip to Port Aransas, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. One of the goals of the group was to supply spiritual support at the same time as recreational opportunities. We had major trips every so often and frequent minor ones.  Here's three of the guys (with me standing with my back to the camera) who went on the trip. It was such a great week-end. I think I laughed more and enjoyed myself more than I had my whole life up until then. And I wasn't young either, I was in my mid 40's at this time.

One of the things we did of course, with the Gulf of Mexico a few blocks away, was go to the beach. The guy standing next to me in the dark blue shirt and I went together one afternoon. That's my buddy Kurt. We stood in the Gulf of Mexico and talked about our childhoods and discussed life in general. I was in the same "cabin" as Kurt. Actually our cabin was a mobile home. Some of the people were actually in cabins, but I lucked out and got the mobile home with 3 guys. Pretty cool, huh! And two bathrooms! The cabins only had one bathroom each.  After Kurt and I came back from the water I discovered that several small fish had made their way into my bathing suit. I guess some of the waves washed them right in. It was a bit strange to be pulling fish out!

Port Aransas Restaurant with some of the group.

Some of the great people at a Port Aransas restaurant. Me on the right.Another thing we did was go out to eat. One place we went to was on the water and was kind of expensive. Some of the guys were getting goofy and I joined in. In this picture you can see some of them.

That's me on the right and two of my best buddies.

I wish I had pictures of when we went for our midnight walks on the beach. A large group of us went to some sort of pier and then afterwards my best buddies and I walked holding hands or arms around each other's waists. We were just all buddies, friends, and the world seemed good again to me. I didn't know such closeness could exist among so many varied people. One of our accomplishments that night was remembering all the words to the Gilligan's Island theme song. 

We planned this trip well in advance, or I should say, the group planned it before I met them, and I luckily got in onA party by the river, some of us riding in the boat. the adventure by joining just before the trip.

A party with Tanya caught eating. A swimming & boat party

 Tanya is seen eating, while sitting next to Marc. Russell (in the foreground) let us use his beautiful home for a swim party. His back yard was huge and then you went down some stairs and you were able to jump into the river.  He had a dock and a boat and we got to play all afternoon and evening. I enjoyed talking to my friends as much as playing in the water.

   Here is one of my best buddies, Kurt, Two of my friends, Iggy and Kurt at one of the parties.chowing down on some pizza, and Iggy, another of my close friends.

Kurt and I became close friends at the first trip I went on with the group. (I discuss that and show pics of it above and below) Kurt was/is someone you can count on to help when you need it. He is also incredibly funny. And Iggy, well he is too cuteOne of the single dad's who brought his son along. to talk about here!

On the right is one of the single dad's who brought his son along to the water party. I thought that was great, but then, I almost always brought my girls along to activities so I admired myself too.

Okay, I figure this page is getting pretty long to load so I am putting the rest of it on another page. I had a poster of various pictures in a montage and when I moved I had to cut it into pieces small enough to travel safely. So they are sort of mixed up, but still interesting. I put some of our monthly calendars on it too, behind the pictures, peeking out at various places. So if you want to see that, plus other pics, go to the link below. 

Collection of various pictures of members

I took these off of a poster I had made for the group, so many of them are pushed under and on top of each other. And  there are also some individual pictures. 

                 Well, I hope you enjoyed this little visit to Austin, there are more pages I made below. Some pages are about places I lived, and some are about the people there.

Various pages about Austin, Texas

Pictures of Beautiful Austin, Texas, areas of the city.
Here you can see pictures of beautiful Austin, Texas.
Zilker park, in Austin, Texas.
Pictures of the park known in Austin for its rose garden and other beautiful flowers, as well as a place where year round activities can be found.
Pictures of Friendship Place Apartments.
Here you can see pictures of where I worked and lived in Austin.
Pictures of Unity Church in Austin
Here you can see pics of Unity Church, inside and outside and some of the people.
Pictures of My Friends in the Singles Group.
Here you can see pics of my friends in the Unity Church Singles group.
Anna in a Fashion Show in Austin.
Anna and other models in a non profit fashion show called "Fools for Fashion in Austin, Texas."
Pictures of Wildwood Apartments.
Pictures of Wildwood Apartments, where I lived and worked, some of the people and one of the pools.

Various Places I Have Visited

 Philly, Boston & 
Atlantic City


New Mexico &


Ohio Parks

More Atlantic City

My Old Series
About Austin 

 Las Cruces Home inside & outside

Places where
we stayed

Parks in the Autumn

More Boston

More Austin Pics

Organ Mountains

Beaches, Sunsets

Old Man's Cave

More Philly

Misc. Texas Pics

More Mexico Pics

On the way there

Ohio Festivals

All about me (list of pages)

Choose whatever may interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came from)

I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are some more personal pages...

These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.

Overview-Beginning My father's ancestors My mother's ancestors
My father My mother My siblings, as children
My father's parents My mother's parents My siblings, as adults
My childhood home My children, Index My husband
My pets   Places I have lived Favorite places I've visited
My favorite music Jobs I've had My gardens through the years

If you want to go to other pages in this series you can click on any of these.  Most of these were made quickly, just to show my "artistry" (or lack of) in photography. Some are just fun pictures to look at. Below this series are many of my better pages, with both photos and stories about the people, places or things they are taken of.

Go To Other pages of pictures I have taken or that I like a lot.

Index of all pages about  me
Random pictures of me
Pictures taken more recently
Pictures taken even more recently
Sitting at my good old computer
Pictures of sunsets I've taken
Pictures of pretty trees I've taken
More trees
Pictures of mountains I've taken
Pictures of interesting buildings I've taken
Desert pictures
Pictures with water I've taken
Other Nature Pictures
Pictures outside of Raleigh I've taken
More Pictures outside of Raleigh
Pictures of interesting people I've taken
Cute pictures of my kids
More cute pics of my kids
Events pictures
Home Schooling Hosts & Their Families

Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!

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This page was created on December 19, 1997,
and last revised March 16
, 2002.

(C) Copyright 2002 Maggie Rose. All Rights Reserved