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My Pets - Turtles, Procreating.
Turtles have an interesting way of making baby turtles. The male first bites at the female's shell, the front by her head, and then the back by her tail. I guess this tells the female he's in the mood. Sometimes the female doesn't want to go along with him and tries to run away, but after a persistent male keeps at it she gives in.
Our turtles sometimes were allowed to go out in my garden, under close supervision so they wouldn't get lost in the yard, and every once in a while the male would choose this time to try to mate with the female. Our original pair was named Ma and Pa. Pa enjoyed the chase and the actual act. When finally connected he would lean way back and take his time and lean back and forth slowly over maybe an hour, give or take.
Female turtles are made with their bottom shells being mostly flat, whereas the male has a concave area. This is one of the ways to tell the gender of them. Also males have thick strong back legs so they can support themselves while standing during procreation. They also have wider tails which is where their organ resides.
In the picture below, my son was posing with the turtles,
unaware that Pa Turtle was trying to interest one of our female turtles in a little roll in the
If you want to go to other pages in this series you can click on any of these. Most of these were made quickly, just to show my "artistry" (or lack of) in photography. Some are just fun pictures to look at. Below this series are many of my better pages, with both photos and stories about the people, places or things they are taken of.
Choose whatever may interest you. (or go back to whatever page you came from)
I'll include my list of all my "regular" web pages at the top of each page so if you get tired of hearing all about me, you can escape to some place else. But for now, here are some more personal pages...
These are somewhat better looking pages, with more information too.
If you want to go to other pages in this series you can click on any of these. Most of these were made quickly, just to show my "artistry" (or lack of) in photography. Some are just fun pictures to look at. Below this series are many of my better pages, with both photos and stories about the people, places or things they are taken of.
Hey, when I said "All about me," I really meant it!
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